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Seasonal Vaccines

Nova Scotia will be offering COVID-19 and influenza vaccines as part of our annual fall immunization program. More information around timing and availability of vaccines will be shared when the program begins. At that time, all details about fall vaccines and appointment bookings will be available on this page. 

Why can’t I get a COVID-19 vaccine right now?

There will be a brief period from August through October when COVID-19 vaccines will not be available. This is normal transition to new vaccines in the fall, similar to the influenza immunization program. COVID-19 vaccines will be available later in the fall when the program begins. 

Why aren’t COVID-19 and influenza vaccine available until later in the fall?

The timing of Nova Scotia’s fall vaccine program is determined by vaccine availability in Canada. The federal government brings in COVID-19 and influenza vaccines, and then sends them out to the provinces and territories. When the vaccines arrive in Nova Scotia, Public Health works quickly to get them out to providers. 

Where can I get COVID-19 and influenza vaccines?

Nova Scotians will be able to get influenza and COVID-19 vaccines from primary care providers, local pharmacies and Public Health through their offices and mobile units. When vaccine appointments are available, more information will be posted on this webpage. 

This year, all primary care providers have access to COVID-19 vaccines, as well as standard and seniors influenza vaccines. Nova Scotians who have a primary care provider may wish to call and see if they are offering respiratory vaccines before booking an appointment with another provider. If seeing a primary care provider for another issue, you may wish to call ahead and find out if you can get your COVID-19 and influenza vaccines in the same appointment. 

More details will be shared when the program begins.

What COVID-19 and influenza vaccines will be available this fall?

This fall Nova Scotia will offer influenza and COVID-19 vaccines for every aged 6 months and older, including an enhanced influenza vaccine for seniors. More details will be shared when the program begins later this fall.

Should I get both vaccines at the same time?

Yes, it is safe and recommended to receive both the COVID-19 and influenza vaccines at the same time, when your provider has both vaccines in stock. However, some people may choose to get the influenza vaccine if it is available first, and then book a second appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine. 

How do I book COVID-19 and influenza vaccines? 

As in past years, vaccine appointments will be able to be booked online through CANImmunize, or by calling 1-833-797-7772. Appointments with primary care providers will be made by calling their offices directly. More details will be shared when the program begins later this fall.

Will I be able to book both COVID-19 and influenza vaccines at the same time?

Yes, you will be able to book influenza and COVID-19 vaccines at the same time when they are both available in the province. More details will be shared when the program begins later this fall.

Can I get appointments for multiple people at the same time?

Yes, group bookings will be an option this year. More details will be shared when the program begins later this fall.

Why should I get vaccinated?

Even if you are otherwise healthy, respiratory illnesses like COVID-19 and influenza can make you very sick. You can also pass these illnesses on to others, who may be more at risk for severe illness, like seniors, people with compromised immune systems, or people living in long-term care. Getting vaccinated protects you, your family and your community.

Are there any other vaccines that I should consider at this time?

Parents with young children should make sure they are up-to-date on their childhood and school age immunizations. For adults, pneumococcal vaccine is available to all Nova Scotians 65 years of age and older, and to specific high risk groups throughout the year. More information about free, routine vaccines can be found online at

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