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QEII Halifax Infirmary Emergency Department is working with reduced space, which may lead to delays for those with less urgent concerns. Learn more here.

Starting Saturday, December 14, the entrance to the QEII Halifax Infirmary Emergency Department will change to 1840 Bell Road. Learn more.

Patient Education Resources

1,428 Patient Education Resources

Possible Ectopic (Tubal) Pregnancy

| .pdf | PRINT CODE WP85-1600

An ectopic (tubal) pregnancy is when a fertilized egg attaches outside of the uterus. The egg often implants in 1 of the fallopian tubes. As the egg grows, it can cause the tube to rupture (break). This pamphlet explains why you may need to be tested for an ectopic pregnancy, how the test is done, symptoms to watch for when waiting for your test results, and how you will get your test results. This pamphlet is also available in French.

Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD)

| .pdf | PRINT CODE WW85-1761

This pamphlet explains what causes PVD, the symptoms of PVD, and how PVD is diagnosed and treated. Information about follow-up care is given. This pamphlet is also available in French.

Potential for Violent or Aggressive Behaviour

| .pdf | PRINT CODE WX85-2041

This pamphlet outlines how all patients who come to an Emergency Department for treatment are screened for the potential (possibility) of violence and aggression. If you are identified as showing a potential for violence or aggression, or have demonstrated violence or aggression, we add a note to your health record to help us keep you and our staff safe.

Pourquoi faisons-nous le dépistage des organisms antibiorésistants (OA)

| .pdf | PRINT CODE FF85-1859

Parfois, les bactéries développent la capacité de ne plus être détruites par les antibiotiques. Quand cela se produit, on dit que les bactéries (organismes) sont « résistantes » aux antibiotiques et on parle alors des organismes antibiorésistants (OA). Ce dépliant explique comment les OA se propagent, le dépistage des OA et les raisons pour lesquelles nous procédons au dépistage des OA. This pamphlet is also available in English.

Prednisone for Glomerulonephritis

| .pdf | PRINT CODE WQ85-2419

Prednisone is a type of medication known as a corticosteroid. It works by lowering your body’s harmful response to immune system diseases like glomerulonephritis. This pamphlet explains how to take this medication, possible side effects, and how to store this medication.

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