Head & Neck Oncology Case Manager - Helping Patients Through the Cancer Journey
This pamphlet explains the role of the head and neck oncology case manager in your care.
QEII Halifax Infirmary Emergency Department is working with reduced space, which may lead to delays for those with less urgent concerns. Learn more here.
Starting Saturday, December 14, the entrance to the QEII Halifax Infirmary Emergency Department will change to 1840 Bell Road. Learn more.
This pamphlet explains the role of the head and neck oncology case manager in your care.
This pamphlet explains how to care for yourself during head and neck radiation treatment. Topics include the benefits of mouth care, how to practice good mouth care, side effects of treatment, supportive care, sexuality, and how to care for yourself after treatment is complete.
This surgery is done to remove tumours or growths in your mouth and nearby areas. This pamphlet includes what to expect before surgery, how the surgery is done, after surgery, possible complications, what to expect when going home, activity tips, and a list of symptoms to be aware of.
This poster contains some brief information about head lice.
This pamphlet gives tips for healthy eating and explains how to make healthy food choices. Information about reading food labels, making your recipes healthy, safe food handling, and eating out is included. This pamphlet is also available in French.
This pamphlet explains what you can do to eat heart healthy, including tips to help limit sodium (salt), sugar, and fat, and eat more fibre, fruits, and vegetables. Information on how to read a food label is given. This pamphlet is also available in French and Arabic.
Healthy eating can help lower your risk of heart disease by controlling your weight, lowering your cholesterol, and preventing or controlling high blood pressure. This pamphlet gives suggestions for ways to eat healthier.
Heart healthy eating can help you feel good and give you energy. This pamphlet explains how to eat heart healthy. Foods that are best choices and foods to avoid are listed.
This guide will help you and your loved ones during the transplant process. This pamphlet describes getting ready for a transplant, getting ready once a heart becomes available, and what to expect after surgery.
This pamphlet outlines how to help teens cope with dying, death, and grief. It explains how teens may react when someone is very ill, the role their friends may play in the grieving process, and how their reactions may differ from those of an adult.