Facial Fractures - VG Site
A facial bone fracture (break) must be treated to prevent future problems. This pamphlet explains what to expect before and after surgery, and at home.
QEII Halifax Infirmary Emergency Department is working with reduced space, which may lead to delays for those with less urgent concerns. Learn more here.
Nova Scotia Health has made changes to parking and the main entrance of the QEII Halifax Infirmary. Learn more.
A facial bone fracture (break) must be treated to prevent future problems. This pamphlet explains what to expect before and after surgery, and at home.
Pendant votre chirurgie buccale (bouche), il se peut que l’on doive vous faire une greffe de tissu. Ce type de transplantation est appelé allogreffe. Cette brochure explique ce qui suit : origine des tissus greffés, types de tissus pouvant être greffés, critères de sélection des donneurs de tissus, risques liés aux greffes de tissus, consentement éclairé, et à quoi s’attendre après une greffe de tissu. This pamphlet is also available in English.
This surgery is done to remove tumours or growths in your mouth and nearby areas. This pamphlet includes what to expect before surgery, how the surgery is done, after surgery, possible complications, what to expect when going home, activity tips, and a list of symptoms to be aware of.
La plus fréquente du cancer de la bouche est le tabagisme. Dans cette brochure, vous trouverez des renseignements sur les nombreuses façons dont le cancer de la bouche peut se développer, ainsi que ses symptômes. This pamphlet is also available in English.
Depending on the type and place of cancer treatment, the mouth can be affected. This pamphlet details who is at risk for mouth problems, the symptoms, when to see your dentist, and how to keep your mouth healthy.
When your jaws are wired or you have elastics in place, you will need to make a few changes to the foods you eat. This pamphlet gives tips to get the nutrition your body needs. This pamphlet is also available in French.
Preprosthetic jaw surgery is done to change the upper or lower jaw ridges. This is done so dentures can be worn more comfortably, or dental implants can be placed. This pamphlet explains what to expect before and after surgery.
Dans cette brochure, vous trouverez des renseignements sur le fonctionnement de la résine de scellement, le moment où elle devrait être appliquée, combien de temps elle dure, la couverture par le MSI et les caries, ainsi que les coordonnées du programme d'hygiène dentaire du MSI pour enfants. This pamphlet is also available in English.
This pamphlet explains what causes cavities, what a sealant is, how sealants help, the best time to get them, how long they last, and whether MSI (provincial health care) pays for them. This pamphlet is also available in French.
You may need a tissue transplant during your oral (mouth) surgery. This pamphlet outlines tissue transplants and what to expect after. This pamphlet is also available in French.