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Patient Education Resources

94 Patient Education Resources

Low Lactose Eating Guide

| .pdf | PRINT CODE LC85-0553

Lactose is the natural sugar found in milk. Some people have trouble digesting lactose. This is called "lactose intolerance". This pamphlet outlines how to eat less lactose and tips to help your body better tolerate milk products.

Managing Fluid Intake

| .pdf | PRINT CODE LC85-0127

The kidneys, liver, and heart work to keep fluids in balance. Sometimes, fluid builds up in our bodies. With some medical conditions, you may need to limit your fluid intake. This pamphlet lists signs that fluid may be building up in your body and tips for managing your fluid intake.

Manger sainement après une transplantation

| .pdf | PRINT CODE FF85-1106

Manger sainement après votre transplantation peut vous aider à contrôler votre poids, votre cholestérol, votre tension artérielle et votre diabète. Suivez le Guide alimentaire canadien pour connaître le nombre et la taille des portions dont vous avez besoin. Des conseils pour une alimentation saine sont offerts. This pamphlet is also available in English.

Nocturnal Dialysis Nutrition Guidelines

| .pdf | PRINT CODE LC85-1655

Nocturnal Home Hemodialysis (NHHD) is a type of dialysis done at home overnight, usually for 8 to 9 hours, 5 to 6 nights a week. The main parts of the NHHD nutrition plan are protein, phosphorus, sodium (salt), fluids, and potassium. This pamphlet gives information about each of these items, as well as a sample meal plan.

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