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Patient Education Resources

146 Patient Education Resources

Oral Irons and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

| .pdf | PRINT CODE WQ85-1469

Many people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have anemia (not enough red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood). Taking oral irons will give you enough iron to make hemoglobin. The pamphlet explains what oral irons are, how to take and store them, and possible side effects.

Oral Magnesium Supplements

| .pdf | PRINT CODE QV85-2179

Your health care provider has suggested you take an oral (by mouth) magnesium supplement. This may be a capsule, liquid, or a powder. Helpful hints and a sample schedule are provided.

Oral Systemic Therapy

| .pdf | PRINT CODE NSHCCP-0038

This pamphlet provides an overview of oral systemic therapy for cancer treatment. Includes how to get and take the treatment, for how long, what tests are needed, and what are the risks and side effects of the treatment.


| .pdf | PRINT CODE QV85-1571

A PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter) line is a long intravenous (I.V.) catheter (tube). It is put into a vein in your arm and threaded into a vein above your heart. This pamphlet explains how it will be inserted, risks, taking care of your line, and symptoms to watch for.

Prendre vos médicaments

| .pdf | PRINT CODE FF85-1916

Prendre vos médicaments est une partie importante de votre traitement. Cela signifie que vous contribuez à votre santé et à votre bien-être. La présente brochure explique pourquoi certaines personnes cessent de prendre leurs médicaments. Des conseils sont présentés pour vous aider à prendre vos médicaments. This pamphlet is also available in English.

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