The time following the birth of a new baby is exciting, but also a period of adjustment for all families. Public Health’s support for families begins during pregnancy and then extends into the first few years of a child’s life, up to age five.
When you are first connected with Early Years, a Public Health Nurse (PHN) will talk to you during pregnancy or after birth to find out which service best suits the unique needs of your family. A Public Health Nurse will also meet with you in the hospital once you’ve had your baby to help with your next steps. If you adopted your child, you can connect directly with Public Health Early Years for support.
Early Years provides many services to help families with young children. Our three core services include Healthy Beginnings, Enhanced Home Visiting and Nurse-Family Partnership. You can explore these programs and other Early Years offerings on this page under Clinics, Programs and Services.
You can be referred to Early Years by a healthcare provider or community organization, or you can request these services for yourself by contacting your Early Years in your zone. Your local Public Health Office can also give you information about family supports and services in your community.
Central Zone Early Years
Halifax area, Eastern Shore and West Hants
902-481-4967/1-800-430-9557 (Toll Free)
Eastern Zone Early Years
Cape Breton, Guysborough and Antigonish
Northern Zone Early Years
Colchester-East Hants, Cumberland and Pictou
Western Zone Early Years
Annapolis Valley, South Shore and South West
1-833-601-0949 (Toll Free)
Public Health does not provide primary care services. To find primary care support near you, complete the steps at Accessing Primary Care.
Loving Care Books
Loving Care is a series of books for parents of children up to three years old. Loving Care gives tools to help young families protect, promote or improve their health and to prevent illness, injury or disability.
These books have been developed to help parents to better recognize and build on their own strengths as parents. They are available in downloadable PDF below:
The Loving Care books are available for free to parents from Public Health.
Feeding Your Baby
Regardless of how you are feeding your baby it is common for questions to come up as you develop your new relationship and learn to respond to your babies' feeding cues.
Information on breastfeeding can be found in our Breastfeeding Basics booklet and on the La Leche League Canada website. There you can access helplines across the country, ask questions online, search for a leader in your province and share your feeding and parenting stories with others.
Information on infant formula can be found in our Infant Formula: What You Need to Know booklet, which has been developed for parents who have made an informed decision to feed their baby with infant formula. It tells you what you need to know to feed your baby safely.
Information on infant feeding in an emergency can be found on this dedicated webpage. People who care for infants should have a plan for how to feed your baby in the event of an emergency or power outage.
Do you have questions about how to feed your baby? Contact Public Health, your healthcare provider or family resource centre.
Additional Public Supports
211 Nova Scotia offers a free and confidential referral service, linking families with a variety of programs and services in your community that meet your needs. You can access the service by phone, online, or text.
811 Nova Scotia can offer information and advice from a Registered Nurse if you have a concern about your health, or want to know about services in your area. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Smartparent is a text message service that helps guide you through pregnancy and your child's first year of life. You will receive three evidence-based text messages per week pertaining to your baby's stage of development. You can sign up by texting 'Baby' to 12323. Learn more on the IWK SmartParent website.
Early Years Drop-in Sessions
Public Health’s Early Years program in Central Zone (Halifax Regional Municipality, Eastern Shore, West Hants) offers regular community drop-in sessions to support families with children from birth to five years old. These sessions are staffed by a Public Health Nurse who is part of the Healthy Beginnings program. Click here for a full list of drop-in sessions.
Drop-in sessions provide support and guidance on infant feeding, questions about sleep, immunizations, mental health, growth and development, nutrition, parenting and social supports.
Public Health Nurses are not able to diagnose or prescribe medication. In addition, Immunizations are not available at drop-in sessions. Please check with the location for closures or cancellations before venturing out.