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QEII Halifax Infirmary Emergency Department is working with reduced space, which may lead to delays for those with less urgent concerns. Learn more here.

Starting Saturday, December 14, the entrance to the QEII Halifax Infirmary Emergency Department will change to 1840 Bell Road. Learn more.

Patient Education Resources

1,428 Patient Education Resources

Nitroglycerin (Nitro) Pumpspray

| .pdf | PRINT CODE QV85-0278

Nitroglycerin (nitro) pumpspray (also called nitro spray) is used to treat chest pain or discomfort. This pamphlet explains why you may need this medication, how to take it, side effects, and how to store it. This pamphlet is also available in French (FF85-1782).

Nocturnal Dialysis Nutrition Guidelines

| .pdf | PRINT CODE LC85-1655

Nocturnal Home Hemodialysis (NHHD) is a type of dialysis done at home overnight, usually for 8 to 9 hours, 5 to 6 nights a week. The main parts of the NHHD nutrition plan are protein, phosphorus, sodium (salt), fluids, and potassium. This pamphlet gives information about each of these items, as well as a sample meal plan.

Non-invasive Vascular Lab Tests

| .pdf | PRINT CODE WG85-0007

This pamphlet describes the following non-invasive tests: Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) blood flow test, treadmill exercise test, arterial duplex test, carotid duplex evaluation, venous duplex ultrasound, and blood flow evaluation of fingers and/or toes.

Nose Surgery

| .pdf | PRINT CODE WV85-0302

This pamphlet explains the types of nose surgery, and what will happen right after surgery and at home. It also includes tips and information on when to get medical attention.

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