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QEII Halifax Infirmary Emergency Department is working with reduced space, which may lead to delays for those with less urgent concerns. Learn more here.

Starting Saturday, December 14, the entrance to the QEII Halifax Infirmary Emergency Department will change to 1840 Bell Road. Learn more.

Patient Education Resources

1,424 Patient Education Resources


| .pdf | PRINT CODE WW85-0142

The space at the front of the eye between the cornea and the iris is called the anterior chamber. Hyphema is when there is blood in the anterior chamber. This pamphlet explains how to care for your eye and when to seek medical attention.


| .pdf | PRINT CODE FF85-1921

L'hystérectomie est une opération qui consiste à retirer l'utérus. Le ou la chirurgien·ne peut également retirer d'autres tissus comme le col de l'utérus, les trompes de Fallope, les ovaires, les ganglions lymphatiques et certaines parties du vagin. On fournit aussi de l’information sur avant et après la chirurgie sont fournies. Les symptômes à surveiller qui doivent être examinés par votre médecin sont inclus. This pamphlet is also available in English.


| .pdf | PRINT CODE WP85-1907

A hysterectomy is surgery to remove your uterus (womb). Your surgeon may also remove other tissues like your cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries, lymph nodes, and parts of your vagina. Information about before and after surgery is provided. Symptoms to watch for that need to be seen by your doctor are included. This pamphlet is also available in French.

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