QEII Halifax Infirmary Emergency Department is working with reduced space, which may lead to delays for those with less urgent concerns. Learn more here.
Starting Saturday, December 14, the entrance to the QEII Halifax Infirmary Emergency Department will change to 1840 Bell Road. Learn more.
1,424 Patient Education Resources
How to do Lymphatic Self-Massage on Your Face, Head and Neck
This pamphlet is for patients who were treated for head and neck cancer with surgery to remove a tumour(s) or lymph nodes, or with radiation therapy. The pamphlet outlines how your lymphatic system works, and how to do a lymphatic self-massage.
How to Hand Express Breast or Chest Milk
This pamphlet explains the steps to hand express breast or chest milk (take milk from your breasts or chest).
How to Lower Intestinal Gas
The suggestions in this pamphlet can help you manage your intestinal gas. A list of foods to avoid or limit that can cause more gas, and a list of vegetables and fruit that usually cause less gas are included.
How to Manage a Nerve Block Infusion at Home
This pamphlet explains how a nerve block works, how to deal with your catheter, what you need to know about the numbing medicine, and care at home.
How to Prevent, Find, and Treat Head Lice
This pamphlet contains information about how to prevent, check for, and treat head lice.
How to Puree Foods
This pamphlet explains how to puree foods. Topics include food safety, helpful hints, ways to add calories and protein, what to do if constipation (not being able to poop) is a problem, as well as recipes.
How to Self-Prone - Instructions for COVID-19 Patients and Caregivers
When you have COVID-19, lying on your belly and in different positions will help your body to get air into all areas of your lungs. The pamphlet outlines different ways to position yourself to help you breathe easier. This pamphlet is also available in French and Arabic.
How to Self-Prone: Instructions for COVID-19 Patients and Caregivers [Arabic]
كيفية الاستلقاء على الوجه والبطنتعليمات لمرضى فيروس كوفيد-19 والمعنيين برعايتهم