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Patient Education Resources

146 Patient Education Resources

Le timbre contraceptif

| .pdf | PRINT CODE FF85-2026

Le livret explique comment le timbre fonctionne, son efficacité, ses avantages et ses inconvénients, les effets secondaires possibles (de même que les effets secondaires graves qu’il faut connaître), il indique les personnes qui ne devraient pas s’en servir, la manière de s’en servir et l’appliquer sur le corps, et plus. This pamphlet is also available in English.


| .pdf | PRINT CODE QV85-1937

Lithium is a mood stabilizer. It is most often used in bipolar disorder to prevent or treat mania or depression. This pamphlet explains what symptoms lithium will help with, how your dose of lithium is chosen, possible side effects, and signs of lithium toxicity (too much lithium).

Managing Pain After Surgery

| .pdf | PRINT CODE QV85-0453

This pamphlet explains why you may have pain after surgery, why it is important to control your pain, what your health care team will do to help control your pain, what you can do to keep it under control, kinds of pain medication you will get in the hospital, side effects of pain medications, and more. This pamphlet is also available in French.

Maturation cervicale au moyen du gel vaginal de dinoprostone (Prostin)

| .pdf | PRINT CODE FF85-1817

ProstinMD est un gel. Il contient un médicament appelé dinoprostone (prostaglandine E2). La dinoprostone PGE2 (ou gel ProstinMD) est comme une substance naturelle produite par votre corps. Elle assouplit le col de l’utérus pour le préparer au travail. Le présent dépliant explique à quoi vous attendre comme suite à l’utilisation du gel ProstinMD, les complications possibles et quand appeler l’hôpital ou y retourner. This pamphlet is also available in English.

Medical Abortion

| .pdf | PRINT CODE WP85-1831

This pamphlet explains what a medical abortion is, who can get a medical abortion, what happens during a medical abortion, and possible risks and side effects. Instructions for taking the medication Mifegymiso, and who to contact for further information are included. This pamphlet is also available in French.

Medical Abortion (Mifegymiso) Instructions

| .pdf | PRINT CODE WP85-1878

This pamphlet explains how to take the medication Mifegymiso. It lists the supplies you will need, how to take the medications, and symptoms that require you to call the Clinic Nursing Line. Information about sex and birth control after taking Mifegymiso, and follow-up care is provided. This pamphlet is also available in French.

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