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Patient Education Resources

33 Patient Education Resources

Managing Pain After Surgery

| .pdf | PRINT CODE QV85-0453

This pamphlet explains why you may have pain after surgery, why it is important to control your pain, what your health care team will do to help control your pain, what you can do to keep it under control, kinds of pain medication you will get in the hospital, side effects of pain medications, and more. This pamphlet is also available in French.

Spinal Cord Stimulation - QE II

| .pdf | PRINT CODE WL85-0058

This pamphlet gives information about a method of pain control called spinal cord stimulation. It explains the 3 steps of spinal cord stimulation, what to expect before and after your surgery, care at home, and signs of infection.

The Chronic Pain Self-Management Program: Hants Community Hospital

| .pdf | PRINT CODE PM85-1658

The Chronic Pain Self-Management Program is a 5-session group education program that teaches self-management strategies for living with chronic pain. Topics include benefits, who the program is for, goals, what you will learn, how the program will help, where and when it is held, and how to sign up.

Traitement de la lombalgie (mal au bas du dos)

| .pdf | PRINT CODE FF85-2189

Les douleurs au dos sont très fréquentes et diminuent généralement avec le temps, sans médicaments d'ordonnance ou imagerie diagnostique (comme une radiographie, une IRM ou une TDM). Ce guide comprend quelques conseils pour vous aider à traiter votre mal de dos à la maison. This pamphlet is also available in English.

Using Methadone for Chronic Pain

| .pdf | PRINT CODE PM85-0686

Methadone is an opioid analgesic (painkiller) often used to manage chronic pain. This pamphlet explains how to take methadone, when to take it, and what to do if you miss a dose, special precautions, and side effects. This pamphlet is also available in French.

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