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Patient Education Resources

143 Patient Education Resources

Effects of Cancer and Treatment: Cancer Pain

| .pdf | PRINT CODE NSCCP-0013

One of the common side effects for cancer and cancer treatment is pain. This pamphlet looks at what causes pain, treatments for different types of pain and different levels of pain, side effects of those treatments, and how to deal with pain.

Effects of Cancer Treatment: Hair Loss

| .pdf | PRINT CODE NSCCP-0005

Hair loss, known as alopecia, is a common side effect of cancer treatment. This pamphlet includes information on the amount of hair, why it is being lost, if it will grow back, coping mechanisms for hair loss, and questions to ask your health care team.

Erythropoieis-stimulating Agents (ESAs) for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): With Active Cancer or a History of Cancer or Stroke

| .pdf | PRINT CODE WQ85-2217

Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) are a group of medicines that help take the place of a hormone called erythropoietin (EPO). People with chronic kidney disease (CKD) may not have enough EPO coming from their kidneys to tell their body to make more red blood cells. This pamphlet looks at this the risks and benefits of ESAs if you have/have had cancer or a stroke.

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