Dr. Sarah Newcomb-Anjo, Registered Psychologist and Advanced Practice Lead with Mental Health and Addictions Provincial Centre for Training, Education, and Learning (PCTEL), is one of the friendly faces you may see when you are joining an education session or webinar offered by PCTEL or training facilitated by the Knowledge Collaborative.
When asked what a typical day looks like for her, Dr. Newcomb-Anjo replied, “All of my days are different, which is a big part of what I like about my job. On a given week, my tasks consist of providing psychotherapy to clients, meeting with community partners, and developing and offering training and consultation for internal and external mental health and addictions staff. I also get the chance to do some advocacy and administration and receive consultation and training myself.” Dr. Newcomb-Anjo has a Masters of Arts and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Concordia University. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Guelph. When asked about her direct work with clients, she shared, “My client work predominantly involves working with those who experience anxiety, trauma, and psychosis, and I offer training in these areas and others.”
Our previous article noted that Dr. Newcomb-Anjo co-led the Knowledge Collaborative project. In this provincial hub, community-based organizations receive support and free evidence-based training in mental health care. Dr. Newcomb-Anjo proudly says, “I am a part of many wonderful teams and initiatives, which keeps me energized.”
"Something I really appreciate in my job is the opportunity to collaborate with so many different clinicians, who exist both within NS Health and in external community-based organizations." When asked about something unique and interesting about being part of PCTEL's team, Dr. Newcomb-Anjo said, "I work with clinicians at all stages of learning and with various backgrounds, and all have great ideas for improving the care we provide. I am regularly inspired by their ideas and the dedication and enthusiasm they bring to the work. I also like the challenge of adapting my training to whoever is in front of me. It requires creativity and a healthy dose of humility!"
Another fun part of the job for Dr. Newcomb-Anjo is the opportunity to use her "people skills" on a more systemic level. "Traditionally, psychologists do a lot of 1:1 client work, which is still an interest of mine; however, I also get to speak more at a leadership level, which can hopefully have positive trickle-down effects on the clients we serve," she says. "I also have a formal background (and interest) in research, which lends well to larger-scale conversations around what is more effective or evaluating what we offer. Using these skills for the greater good is a huge job privilege."
When prompted about what she envisions as a goal or vision for the future of the Mental Health and Addictions Program (MHAP), she shares, "I am hoping that all MHAP staff will feel confident, supported, and equipped with clinical skills such that we can offer the best available care to whoever walks through our doors." "This starts with making sure clients see whom they need to see and supporting clinicians with training and consultation to offer the latest and most research-supported treatments," Dr. Newcomb-Anjo says. "Much of my job also involves working with community-based mental health organizations. I hope we can expand their confidence and capacity in providing mental health care in their areas of expertise. I firmly believe that mental health and addictions care should be accessible and timely, and I am hopeful we can keep working in that direction."
To learn more about PCTEL and their work, visit https://pctel.nshealth.ca/en.
Photo of Dr. Sarah Newcomb-Anjo, Registered Psychologist and Advanced Practice Lead with Mental Health and Addictions Provincial Centre for Training, Education, and Learning