Sexual Health and STI Clinics provide confidential services by health care providers who specialize in assessing and managing STIs. There is no cost associated with visiting a clinic. Services may very based on location.
Note: These are not a primary care clinics.
The clinics specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs), which includes gonorrhea, chlamydia, human papillomavirus (HPV)-lesions (genital warts), herpes (HSV), syphilis, human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis C virus (HBV), as well as bacterial vaginosis & yeast.
These clinics do not offer abortion services. If you would like to schedule an abortion or are interested in learning more about medical and procedural abortion options, call the Reproductive Options and Services (ROSE) Clinic (previously called the Nova Scotia Women’s Choice Clinic) toll free at 1-833-352-0719
We can provide vaccinations to prevent STIs such as HPV and MPOX to those who qualify. We can provide referrals to physicians for HIV PrEP.
How we test for STIs depends on your symptoms and sexual history. Some of the tests include:
- urine (pee) tests (Do not pass urine for 2 hours before you are tested)
- vaginal/front hole
- rectal swabs
- throat swabs
- blood tests for HIV, syphilis, HCV or HBV
Your appointment may include self-collected samples or physician assisted. Physical/pelvic examinations may be recommended if you have the following:
- Discharge
- Warts/bumps
- Opens sores *
*We can only test for herpes (HSV) if you have active symptoms, where the doctor can take a swab of the blister or open sore. There is currently no blood test in Nova Scotia to see if you have had herpes.
If you test positive, we treat you in the clinic free of charge or arrange for a prescription at your preferred pharmacy (charges may apply).
How do I get my test results?
You will get a card with your confidential ID number. No news is good news. You will be contacted and notified of any positive results within 7 to 14 days. If you have any concerns, you can call during the hours listed on the clinic card.
If you do not have symptoms and are just looking for screening you can order a community testing self-collection kit through the STI Care Now Initiative.