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Patient Education Resources

71 Patient Education Resources

Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD)

| .pdf | PRINT CODE WW85-1761

This pamphlet explains what causes PVD, the symptoms of PVD, and how PVD is diagnosed and treated. Information about follow-up care is given. This pamphlet is also available in French.

Préparation en vue d’une opération de l’œil

| .pdf | PRINT CODE FF85-2014

Ce dépliant explique comment se préparer à une opération de l’œil. Sujets abordés : endroit où aller, annulation de votre opération et préparation à l’opération (quoi boire et manger, quels médicaments prendre et quoi faire si vous êtes diabétique). This pamphlet is also available in English.

Ptosis (Droopy Eyelid) Surgery

| .pdf | PRINT CODE WW85-1989

Ptosis is the medical word for a droopy eyelid. This pamphlet explains what ptosis is, how it is treated, and what to expect before, during, and after surgery including caring for your dressing and dealing with discomfort. This pamphlet is also available in French.

Punctum Plugs

| .pdf | PRINT CODE WW85-0094

Punctum plugs block the openings at the corner your eyes beside your nose, letting more moisture stay on your eyes to help with dry eyes. This pamphlet explains what will happen when a punctum plug is put in and after a plug is put in.

Retinal Acuity Meter (RAM)

| .pdf | PRINT CODE WW85-1392

The Retinal Acuity Meter (RAM) is a test used to measure how much vision you have in your retina, the back of your eye. This pamphlet explains getting ready for the test, how the RAM is done, and what to expect after the test. This pamphlet is also available in French.

Retinal Detachment (RD)

| .pdf | PRINT CODE WW85-2316

A retinal detachment (RD) is a condition that happens when the retina detaches (pulls away) from the inside wall of the eye. This pamphlet explains what causes RD, what the symptoms of RD are, who is at risk for RD, and how RD is diagnosed and treated.

Retinal Treatments

| .pdf | PRINT CODE WW85-0461

Change or damage to the retina can cause vision loss. This pamphlet explains how you can tell if your retina is damaged, what kinds of damage can happen to the retina, and types of treatments and surgery. This pamphlet is also available in French.

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