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St. Martha’s Hospital maintenance team builds unity and community with vegetable garden project

Tommy MacEachern - Security Officer, St. Martha's Regional Hospital

In an inspiring display of teamwork and community spirit, the maintenance and operations team at St. Martha’s Regional Hospital in Antigonish transformed an overgrown flower box into a thriving vegetable garden. The initiative not only revitalized a neglected space and fostered stronger team bonds team, but it also provided fresh produce for a local charity.

Herbs used to grow in the old flower box behind the hospital's carpentry shop for use in the kitchen. But, overlooked for years, it had fallen into disrepair. “It was just full of weeds, and the wooden box was all rotted,” recalled Darrell Novak, assistant manager of maintenance and operations at St. Martha’s. “Every day I’d walk by and notice just how awful it looked.”

Novak saw an opportunity to create a shared project that would not only improve the hospital grounds, but also enhance team cohesion and feed people in the community who could use a hand.

He gathered his eight-member team together, made up of plumbers, carpenters, electricians and maintenance workers, and told them how he’d like to fix it up. The group enthusiastically took on the challenge and built a new 12 by four-foot raised bed out of spruce, and then planted vegetables instead of flowers.

Over the past few months, they worked on the little garden, planting green peppers, tomatoes, surrounded by a border of flowering herbs. The result was a resounding success. “The green peppers were unbelievable, and the tomatoes were huge and red,” said Novak. “The garden required minimal upkeep—just some weeding and watering—but it brought us together in a meaningful way.”

Novak and his team donated their harvest to the Antigonish Community Fridge a couple of weeks ago, Novak noted “While we weren’t looking for recognition for the donation, I did want the wonderful effort made by the team recognized.”

John Hann, director of maintenance and operations, was impressed by the initiative. “It’s such a positive thing for this group to have come together like this, and also provide such a wonderful gift of fresh produce to community members who may be struggling,” Hann said.

Novak emphasized that the project was not just about growing food for the community fridge but strengthening good working relationships. The garden project proved to be just the right catalyst for team building. “It brought us together and built trust,” he explained. “It helps improve communication between management and non-management employees. Working together in the garden has made us work better together on other projects.”

The success of the garden has inspired Novak and his team to expand their efforts next year. “It’s working for the team, and it makes everyone feel appreciated,” he said. “When people feel valued, it goes a long way in creating a better work environment and overall team performance.”

Reflecting on his own experiences growing up as one of the youngest of fourteen children, Novak understands the importance of appreciation. “A little bit of recognition from older siblings made a huge difference,” he said. “In the workplace, it’s the same. If you show appreciation, you get better quality work and create a better atmosphere.”

The Antigonish Community Fridge, which operates out of two locations – the local library and the agricultural centre – benefits from donations like those from Novak and his team. “Every little bit helps,” Novak said. “If you have extra, don’t let it go to waste. Donate it. It can be anything from vegetables to dry goods or even homemade soups.”

Through their vegetable garden project, the St. Martha’s maintenance team has not only made a positive impact on their community but also strengthened their own bonds, demonstrating how teamwork and generosity can make a meaningful impact both inside and outside the workplace.

Photo of Tommy MacEachern - Security Officer, St. Martha's Regional Hospital.


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